As you’re trekking along this journey called your life, do you ever find yourself wondering if you’re on the right path?  I do.   

So that’s why I want to share with you five ways I learned to know if you’re on the right path by my mentor, Mary Morrissey.  

I think you will find them a great guide to check in with as you move forward in your own life.

1. You practice looking for the best.

First, you have an attitude and a habit to think and act for the best with how you perceive everything in your life.  You know there is a positive outcome for your growth in every person, and every circumstance, situation, or condition.

2.  You practice keeping the good and the bad of the past in the past.

Second, you have an awareness and an openness knowing everything that has happened to you was required for you to be here now.  You take what happened in your past and you use it as a learning tool to have a powerful and positive presence.

3.  You practice forgiving everyone without exception, including yourself.

Third, you allow the free flow of energy to liberate and heal you as you forgive daily.  You know the difficult people you come across in your life are considered your sacred teachers.  And, by forgiving them you are opening up your heart to expand in love.  Also, you know if you hold on to a grudge or resentment that you are only hurting yourself and not the other person.

4.  You practice treating the work you do as sacred.

Fourth, you do your work with love in all the work you do, both in your personal and professional life.  Whatever the work may be, it may be mundane and repetitive, but you are present, positive, and alive doing it.  Yes, this even includes work like making the bed, cleaning the toilet, and washing the dishes.

5.  You practice making the world a brighter place.

And, fifth you amplify the good work you are doing.   As you do your work you have a concern for contributing to the lives of others and the world. You look for ways to leave people feeling better.

As you practice, you will discover that it’s possible to feel more alive and more joyful than you’ve ever imagined as you practice taking these five steps consistently and repetitively while you step towards the dreams in your own heart.   My life has gone from being good to “great” when I began noticing if I was practicing these steps of coming from a place of love and making every moment matter.

And most of all, I want you to know that you matter, your work matters, and you are worthy of more love in your life.

Here’s to your being on the right path!

If you need support in discovering and building your dreams and goals? In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here or email me at

As a certified Life Coach, Wendy Johnson helps people who are feeling stuck in fear, doubt and worry get back on track during a stressful life transition and create a life they love where they wake up every day with joy, purpose, and confidence.  She’s passionate about teaching clients to unlock their true potential, achieve success and live a life they love living. Wendy is an inspiring speaker, passionate educator, and a highly sought-after transformational coach.

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