In the quest for self-improvement and personal growth, we often set ambitious goals: run a marathon, write a novel, and lose 50 pounds. While these goals are commendable, they can also be overwhelming, leading many of us to give up before we even start. Enter the concept of tiny habits—a simple yet powerful approach to making lasting changes by starting small. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of tiny habits and how you can use them to transform your life.

Seven Habits to be More Organized and Productive (Podcast)

What Are Tiny Habits?

Tiny habits are the brainchild of behavior scientist BJ Fogg. The idea is straightforward: instead of trying to make massive changes overnight, you start with the smallest possible action. These small actions, repeated consistently, can lead to significant and sustainable change. Think of it as building a house one brick at a time instead of trying to construct the entire building in one go.

Why Tiny Habits Work


1. Simplicity and Feasibility

   Tiny habits are easy to start and maintain because they require minimal effort and time. This makes them less intimidating and more likely to be adopted consistently. For example, instead of committing to an hour-long gym session, you start with just one push-up a day.

2. Building Momentum

   Success breeds success. When you start with tiny habits, you build momentum through small wins. These victories boost your confidence and motivation, making it easier to tackle bigger challenges over time.

3. Behavioral Automation

   Consistently repeating a small behavior becomes ingrained in your routine. Over time, these actions become automatic, reducing the need for conscious effort. This automation frees up mental energy for other tasks and helps establish a solid foundation for more significant changes.

4. Overcoming Resistance

   Smaller habits face less resistance from your mind and body. It’s easier to commit to a 2-minute activity than a 30-minute one, making it more likely that you’ll stick with it. This approach helps overcome procrastination and inertia.

5. Compound Effect

   Small changes, when practiced consistently, can lead to significant results over time. The compound effect means that tiny habits can accumulate and create substantial improvements in your life. Think of it like saving money—small, regular deposits grow into a large sum over time.

How to Get Started with Tiny Habits


1. Identify Your Goal

   Start by identifying a larger goal you want to achieve. Break it down into the smallest possible action you can take. This is your tiny habit. For instance, if you want to read more, your tiny habit could be reading one page per day.

2. Anchor Your Habit

   Choose a trigger or anchor for your tiny habit. This could be something you already do regularly, like brushing your teeth or making coffee. Anchoring helps integrate the new habit into your existing routine.

3. Celebrate Success

   After completing your tiny habit, take a moment to celebrate. This positive reinforcement helps to embed the habit in your brain. A small fist pump, a mental “good job,” or a smile can make a big difference.

4. Gradually Build

   As your tiny habit becomes consistent, you can gradually increase the difficulty or add more habits. Remember, the key is to start small and build slowly. If you start with one push-up a day, you might find yourself naturally doing more over time.

Real-Life Examples

To bring the power of tiny habits to life, here are a few real-world examples:

Health and Fitness:

Instead of committing to a daily hour-long workout, start with a tiny habit of doing one push-up per day. Over time, you might naturally increase the number or add other exercises.


If you want to write a book, start with the tiny habit of writing one sentence a day. This small action can get you into the habit of writing regularly and help you overcome writer’s block.


Want to drink more water? Start with a tiny habit of drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. This simple action can lead to better hydration habits throughout the day.

Final Thoughts

The power of tiny habits lies in their ability to create significant and lasting change through small, manageable actions. By starting with tiny steps, you reduce the barriers to success and set yourself up for long-term change. Remember, every big accomplishment starts with a tiny step.

So, what tiny habit will you start today? Whether it’s one push-up, one sentence, or one glass of water, begin your journey with a small step and watch how these tiny habits transform your life.

If you found this post helpful, share it with friends and family who might benefit from the power of tiny habits. And don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more tips on personal growth and self-improvement.

Further Resources

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