In this video, I’m talking about three questions to ask yourself everyday.
Would you like to elevate your day and create better experiences in your everyday life?
If so, then this video is for you.
The problem is most people don’t start their day and put themselves first. They allow the world to dictate how their day is going to go.
Science has proven how you wake up and begin your day increases your focus, happiness, creativity, and productivity. I’m sharing three powerful questions to ask yourself every morning so you can have a successful day.
The three questions to ask yourself every morning are:
- What am I grateful for in my life right now?
- Who am I BE-ing?
- What are my purpose and mission today?
I give you three additional questions to ask yourself to elevate your focus on how you’re showing up in the world.
The type of day you’re going to have depends on the way it begins. Make a commitment to put yourself first to create the kind of day you would like to experience.
To have more clarity on your dreams and goals, I’ve created a FREE guide called The 10 Principles to Design a Life You Love.
Grab your copy at