Are you your own worst critic?  As women, we often fall into the habit of being hard on ourselves.  

During this month of gratitude, while we’re giving thanks for all the goodness in our lives, we can remember to appreciate ourselves.

We are the ones who’ve created this one precious life and have gotten us to where we are now.  And, we’re the ones who will take us to where we want to go.

If giving thanks for yourself is difficult for you, know this:  that you’re not alone.

To acknowledge our greatness is not our norm because we would think we’d be perceived as arrogant and self-centered.

The act of self-gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

Self-gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating ourselves, particularly our unique qualities, abilities, skills, and physical attributes. It’s about recognizing our worth and valuing our strengths rather than focusing on our weaknesses or shortcomings. In my latest podcast episode, I shared several writing prompts to cultivate a self-gratitude practice.

The power of self-gratitude lies in its ability to transform self-criticism into self-appreciation.

Create time and take a step back and appreciate accomplishments, even the small ones, and the unique qualities they possess. This shift in perspective can counter the effects of relentless self-criticism and open up a path to personal growth and self-improvement.

 It can also positively influence our relationships with others.

When we are kind and appreciative of ourselves, we are more likely to extend the same kindness and appreciation to others. And, this self-gratitude practice can serve as a model for others, encouraging them to appreciate and value themselves.

As women, we often fall into the habit of being overly critical of ourselves.

We measure ourselves against unattainable standards, berating ourselves for not being good enough, smart enough, or thin enough. But by practicing self-gratitude, we can counter these harmful narratives and cultivate a more positive and empowering self-image.

What is self-gratitude?

Self-gratitude is a thankfulness practice where you affirm things about yourself that you appreciate. This can include things like your personality traits, your abilities, your skills and talents, your knowledge, your style, your choices, and your physical self.

Why self-gratitude is important?

There’s a lot of negativity in the world and as we listen to it we can begin to focus on the negative aspects of ourselves.

We can have a critical eye and point out every flaw, every mistake we’ve made and we should be doing things better.

This negative self-talk can lower your self-esteem, limiting your dreams and aspirations.

On the other hand, self-gratitude can prompt you to take on new challenges, go after your biggest dreams, and lead a more extraordinary life.

When you acknowledge the good things about you, you’ll begin to see yourself in a new light.  You’ll feel valuable and need to give your gift of unique talents to others.

One of my favorite quotes by Marianne Williamson states this brilliantly:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”

You’re always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.

Here are 10 ways to show yourself gratitude:

  1. Take an early morning walk (w/ no headphones)
  2. Have a cup of tea and a cookie 
  3. Take a bath
  4. Try a new diffuser blend
  5. Read a few chapters of a book
  6. Go on a coffee date with yourself
  7. Do some stretches on the mat
  8. Give yourself an at-home facial
  9. Buy yourself flowers
  10.  Light a few candles

Compliment yourself first rather than waiting for somebody else to compliment you.

Look for ways to pay yourself a compliment every day.  The ways you look, your hairstyle, your smile, challenging yourself to try something new, and educating yourself in a language or topic.

Practicing self-gratitude helps to recognize the wonderful and unique qualities that make you “you.” The more you focus on the things you love about yourself, the less susceptible you’ll be to negative self-talk. You’ll also find your self-esteem growing by the day. I hope you start celebrating who you are because you are amazing.

Affirmations will reaffirm who you believe yourself to be.

Here are a few ways to remind yourself:

  • I am grateful for my life’s challenges for helping me grow and become and become the best version of myself.
  • I am grateful for my dreams and I know I have the power to manifest them. 
  • I love myself, respect myself, and accept myself exactly as I am. 
  • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
  • I appreciate my desire to continue learning, growing, and becoming a better person.
  • I am thankful for my positive outlook and the way I can accept both good and hard times as being valuable.

My community, More You, provides a supportive platform for women to explore self-gratitude and other personal growth practices. By joining this community, women can gain the tools and resources they need to embark on their journey of living an empowered life.

In conclusion, self-gratitude is a powerful tool for personal transformation. It encourages us to celebrate our uniqueness, acknowledge our strengths, and appreciate our accomplishments. By doing so, we can counter the effects of self-criticism, improve our self-esteem, and live a fulfilling and extraordinary life.

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