The beginning of a new year offers a unique opportunity for introspection and goal-setting. In Wendy Johnson’s latest podcast episode, she delves into the enriching practice of selecting a ‘word of the year.’ This single word serves as a powerful...
In today’s world, there must be a certain amount of improvement to keep up with the rapid pace of change and uncertainty. Some kind of improvement is crucial to simply survive, but to thrive in difficult times there are certain things that need to be mastered....
Today, I want to share with you five tips on how to set goals. But first, what is the importance of setting a goal? A goal gives you focus. A goal allows you to measure your progress. A goal keeps you from distraction. A goal gives you motivation. And, a goal...
Hello there!
I'm a life coach for women and am passionate about helping them to reimagine their dreams and live creative and bold lives. I teach them to set and achieve big goals and have more confidence and joy by thinking, feeling, and acting differently.