We have an opportunity to create a life we love. We don’t get a choice to create because we are creative beings. The question then becomes, am I going to create by design or by default? Default would be repeating the same patterns over and over again. Design is where...
Hello there… I’m here to talk to you about Three Reasons Why People Procrastinate on Their Dreams Do you have dreams in your future that just aren’t happening? Procrastination may be what is going on and it’s keeping you stuck. Most people are not living the life they...
Hi there… I’m here to talk to you about how to overcome obstacles to your goals. Whatever your goal is, there are obstacles in the way. Many people see obstacles as the world being against them or that they’ve failed. Sometimes when we’re knocked around by life, it...
Hi there… I’m here to talk to you about How to Create Your Theme Word of the Year. Studies show that of the 60% of people who make New Year Resolutions, only 6% stick to them. This means 94% of those people are failing to keep their commitments. Year after year,...
Are you saying yes to life? My guess is that 99% of you listening will answer the question to the title with of course I’m saying “yes” to life. Why wouldn’t I?But many of us, find ways to say “no” to experiences that deep down, we really want to have. Our brains are...
I'm a life coach for women and am passionate about helping them to reimagine their dreams and live creative and bold lives. I teach them to set and achieve big goals and have more confidence and joy by thinking, feeling, and acting differently.