The Power of Intention

Life’s journey can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when you feel a sense of longing or discontent. In our latest podcast episode, we explore these feelings as potential compasses that can guide us to a more fulfilling life. Our exploration focuses on...

Five Tips to Make Decluttering a Habit

In this video, I’m talking to you about five tips to make decluttering a habit. There are so many negative feelings such as overwhelm, procrastination, guilt, shame, and fear associated with decluttering. I’m going to share a solution to help you remove those unwanted...

How to Declutter Your Mind

In this video, I’m talking about how to declutter your mind. Just like decluttering your home, you can declutter your mind. As incredible as having a clean and uncluttered living space, your mind will feel even better. The problem is most people don’t know how...

Five Key Elements of a Healthy Mindset

In this video, I’m talking to you about the five key elements of a healthy mindset. The problem is when you try to make changes in your life, you’ll encounter obstacles such as fear, doubt, and worry that will try to sabotage your success. That’s why it’s important to...
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