How to Get Focused and Stay Motivated

How to Get Focused and Stay Motivated

In a world saturated with distractions, achieving peak productivity can seem like an impossible goal. However, our latest podcast episode sheds light on strategies on how to get focused and stay motivated.  Even the habits of successful individuals like Bill Gates and...

Are You Saying Yes to Life?

Are you saying yes to life? My guess is that 99% of you listening will answer the question to the title with of course I’m saying “yes” to life. Why wouldn’t I?But many of us, find ways to say “no” to experiences that deep down, we really want to have. Our brains are...

What to Do When Motivation Fades

I’m talking about what to do when motivation fades. Have you struggled to stay consistent at something you care about?Many people struggle with sticking to their routines. They feel like giving up. They lost their great ideas. They feel like they don’t have enough...
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